Integrative storytelling therapy




What is Integrative Storytelling Therapy?
The ability to look at the world with an open, happy eye. The ability to see beauty in small things. The desire to rediscover the world. To live in a magical world full of adventure and magic and wonder. To weave the story of your own life!

Module 1
Basics of storytelling therapy.
The therapeutic possibilities of storytelling therapy. Why fairy tales?
Ways to work with metaphor. Or why metaphors change our lives.
The meeting with the inner wizard. Miracle as life. The magician as the main character of fairy tale therapy.

Module 2
Ways to work with a fairy tale
Analysis of fairy tales. Semantic fields and how to live in them. Diagnosis of fairy tale texts.
Telling tales. Ways of creating suggestive texts.
Therapeutic changes with the help of fairy tales – or a fairy tale in life).

Module 3
Initiative Tales.
How to read them to write, tell them. When initiations are needed.
The basic stages of gender initiations.

Module 4
Contextual storytelling therapy trainings
Crisis Counseling. Storytelling therapy of loss.
Personal image in storytelling therapy. Image therapy.
Use of fairy tales in business counseling.

Module 5
Playful fairy tale therapy
Fairy tale therapy in work with children.
Fairy tale therapy in work with adolescents.
Fairy tale therapy in work with adults.

Program audience
– educators
– psychologists
– speech therapists
– Professionals who work with texts and are faced with the need to create suggestive texts
– People who want to significantly improve their quality of life

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