Integrative art therapy




What is art therapy?
Art therapy (Latin ars – art, Greek therapeia – therapy, treatment) is a method of treatment with the help of artistic creativity. Art therapy is one of the most popular directions of psychotherapy. The popularity of art therapy methods is due to their mildness, but high effectiveness, breadth of use and relative short duration.

It is very important to note that this technique has no contraindications and restrictions. It is applied in almost all the areas of psychotherapy. It has also found wide enough application in pedagogy and social work, and even in business. Art therapy gives everyone the opportunity to express one’s inner world through creativity.

Art therapy works effectively in counseling and therapy with adults, as well as with children and adolescents. Obviously, “treatment with art” appeared at the same time as art itself. At all times and with all peoples, music, singing, dancing, drawing, sculpture, theater and rituals, mystery, and much more have been used as a “cure” for various diseases and conditions. If you trace the development of all kinds of options for folk healing, all of them, without exception, contain elements of art therapy. For many people folk art (handicrafts and crafts) is still a factor in maintaining mental balance and health.

Module 1
Fundamentals of art therapy
1.1 Color as a diagnostic and healing tool
1.2 Play with space and materials. Visualization in art therapy
1.3 Symbols in art therapy, “Mandala” technique

Module 2
Group therapy
2.1 Techniques of group work in art therapy
2.2 Art therapy with the family
2.3 Group installation and performance

Module 3
Contextual trainings in art therapy
3.1 Work with psychosomatics in art therapy
3.2 Gender issues in art therapy
3.3 Techniques of work with masks

Module 4
Art therapy: a variety of approaches
4.1 Doll therapy
4.2 Sand therapy, rose therapy
4.3 Phototherapy

The spectrum of problems for which art therapy techniques can be used is wide enough: intra- and interpersonal conflicts, crisis conditions, existential and age crises, trauma and losses, post-stress disorders, neurotic disorders, psychosomatic disorders, development of creativity, development of personality wholeness, discovery of personal meaning through creativity, and much more.


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