Online Course “Age Psychology.”




What the course consists of
Videos totaling more than 4 hours in length. All the video material is divided into individual 10-15 minute clips (see the list of topics below). The high pacing and density of the information ensures that in each video you get a voluminous, complete piece of knowledge.

A reading list for those who want to go deeper into the topic.

A section for professionals where information on this age period is given using professional terminology.

List of videos
Section “Age Periodization”.
1. Scheme of age periodization
2. Crises
Section “From conception to birth”.
3. Conception
4. Intrauterine development
5. Childbirth
Section “First epoch. From 0 to 3.”
6. The crisis of birth
7. Family and emotions
8. Movement as a factor in development
9. Development of speech and perception
10. Formation of basic identification
Section “The second era. from 3 to 11.
11. The crisis of 3 years
12. Role-playing
13. How to teach a child to help around the house?
14. Crisis 6-7 years old. School
15. Development of mental processes
Section “The Third Era. Adolescence and adolescence.”
16. Teenage crisis
17. Adolescence and corporeality
18. Adolescence and adults
19. When does an adolescent crisis not come?
20. Psychotherapy on the topic of “relationships with parents”
21. The crisis of 16-17 years old
Section “The further development of the person
22. Second Year Crisis. Years 19-21.
23. Midlife crisis. 30-33 years.
24. Existential crises. 37.
25. Personality development or abandonment of the Ego?
26. Crisis of 45-50 years.
27. The crisis of 65 years old
Section “Blitz Summary. Once again about crises and periods” 28.
28. Development through crises.
29. Peculiarities of women’s crises

Who is suitable for
A course for psychologists, psychotherapists, coaches, people interested in their own development, parents interested in the development of their child.

The course tells in simple language about complex things: how a person develops from conception to old age, what age periods and crises he or she goes through, the factors that help and hinder development.

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